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Our Vision and Mission


Our vision is to provide the excellent knowledge to the trainees. The Department of Education have vision to uplift the physical and social conditions of the ward by enlightening them with knowledge and making them self dependent by developing the skills of teaching which directly impacts the better future of the coming generation.



  1. To Organize Teachers Training Programme Under The Guidelines Of Ncte.
  2. To Develop Request For Knowledge And Provide Academic Environment To Teacher Educator And Pupil Teachers.
  3. To Enhance And Sustain The Quality Of The Teachers Training Pogramme.
  4. To Include Innovative Practices And Technology To Keep Our Programme In Pace With Era Of Modernity And Globalization.
  5. To Establish Ourselves As A Role Model in Teacher Training.


  1. To develop a strong knowledge base.
  2. To develop analytical power, critical thinking and objective out look towards the things.
  3. To equip the pupil teachers with competencies and skills desired for their profession as well as changing needs.
  4. To enable the prospective teacher to understand their role towards the community as well as the nation and serve them accordingly.
  5. To build up an integrated and self-confident personality with a positive attitude towards the teaching profession.